Jack Bardwell
Spatial Designer and Researcher based in Rotterdam.

Commissions & Collaborations

Group Therapy

Group Therapy is the inter-master’s project support group for the master’s departments of the Royal Academy of Art, The Hague (KABK). In 2019 I was invited to set up in inter-masters programme at the KABK. In collaboration with the students at the time I formed a space to experiment with learning methods and form lasting bonds between students from the different master’s courses at the academy. Ultimately it aims to be a format that can establish itself amongst the current courses and be passed down from one generation of graduating students to the next.

The sessions started as physical meetups over dinner and drinks. This informal and caring environment set the tone for the discussions. Now in its third year of running it has lead to the KABK to creating a Masters wide Collaborative Programme. Unfortunatly much of its spirit was lost in the running of this larger project. Group Therapy however continues; each year collaborating with a different alumni, keeping it grounded.

The sessions run on a dinner party pedagogy; the idea that the hosts are just that, hosts who are part of the dinner and all its games discussions and sharing of food and knowledge.

Date 2019-Ongoing

Design of black booklet Kirsten Spruit
Design of colourful booklet Carmen Dusmet Carrasco and Céline Hurka
Website by Benjamin Earl

Huge thank you to alumni collaborators:
Guglielmo Giomi
Tuana Elif Inhan
Sophie Allerding